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St Peter's Donation Page

29 April 2024

stpetersthurstonSt Peter Church


We know that St Peter’s is much loved with many residents having celebrated important milestones in their own lives or with loved ones and friends there. We know that it is also appreciated for its beauty but it is a very expensive building to maintain. So, do please come and join us at as many events/services as possible, maybe just to watch some of the fun ‘happenings’, you will be most welcome, and help us to enhance and preserve OUR church.

Read more on St Peter's Donation Page

Holy Innocents Church Electoral Roll

14 March 2024

Unknown 102Holy Innocents Church Great Barton.

Revision of Electoral Roll - 2024:

Our Electoral Roll is a list of the Holy Innocents community (subject to eligibility); inclusion gives us a right to vote in certain meetings and stand for elections. It is a way of being part of the church family. Any lay person who is baptised, over 16 years of age and residing within the Holy Innocents parish or who has worshipped with us here for more than six months, can join the Roll. Each year the Roll is updated and so those new to the Holy Innocents community and eligible are warmly invited and encouraged by the Vicar Rev’d Fr Benjamin Edwards to join. Notice is hereby given that the revision of the Holy Innocents Electoral Roll shall take place from 20th March to 31st March 2024. Application forms can be obtained from the Church Electoral Roll Officer. This year we are only revising the Roll again, so those already on it will remain on it, and they should not complete a new application form. (The six yearly full renewal took place in 2019). The revised Roll will be presented at the APCM on Tuesday 16th April 2024. Any questions to Peter Robinson, Electoral Roll Officer (admichurch64@gmail.com or 07814 946841).

Read more on Holy Innocents Church Electoral Roll

Wanted: Cleaning Volunteers

29 May 2023


St Peters Church has a rota for cleaning the whole church.

Read more on Wanted: Cleaning Volunteers

Prayer Chain

21 January 2023

images40Prayer Chain


Read more on Prayer Chain

Our Inclusive Churches

11 October 2022

B3EBB9B5 D508 454C BFE3 F637E97EAD85 4 5005 c2The Churches of Great Barton and Thurston

 are worshipping communities of inclusion, extending a welcome, acceptance and embrace to people of all heritage, abilities, genders AND sexualities. We understand that inclusivity is a lifelong learning process, and we continue to engage with the people in our changing communities in Great Barton and Thurston. Whoever you are, however you are, whatever you are - a lifelong Christian or someone nurturing the growing seeds of faith, you will find a warm welcome to our worshipping community and a space and place to be YOU.

Read more on Our Inclusive Churches


23 May 2021


During the present crisis the demand for goods and donations to help 
families who are struggling has been like never before. At the present time they are short of tins of baked beans and tinned tomatoes.

Read more on Storehouse