Sunday 2nd March:
Sung Eucharist at Holy Innocents at 10.30am
Choral Evensong at St Peter’s at 3.30pm
Wednesday 5th March:
Holy Communion Ash Wednesday St Peter’s at 5.00pm
Sunday 9th March:
Sung Eucharist at St Peter’s at 10.30am
Choral Evensong at Holy Innocents at 3.30pm
Wednesday 12th March:
Holy Communion (CW) Montana at 11.15am
Sunday 16th March:
Holy Communion (BCP) at St Peter’s at 8.30am
All Age Family Communion at Holy Innocents at 10.30am
Wednesday 19th March:
Holy Communion (CW) at St Peter’s at 10.30am
Sunday 23rd March:
Benefice Holy Communion at St Peter’s at 10.30am
Wednesady 26th March:
Holy Communion (CW) at Holy Innocents at 10.30am
Sunday 30th March: (Mothering Sunday)
All Age Mothering Sunday Service of the Word at St Peter’s at 10.30am
Holy Communion Mothering Sunday at Holy Innocents at 10.30am
(BCP Book of Common Prayer)
(CW Common Worship)
For services at Great Barton, Tim Frost: 07840 249448 or email
For services at Thurston, Pat Sadler: 07552 234443 or email