As you may be aware there is no national 'central pot' from which we can draw from to share our faith, serve our communities and routinely maintain our beloved Church. As such, we are fully funded by generous donations. A large percentage of this is support by planned givers; this ensures regular income and enables our PCC to budget effectively and with confidence. In order to provide for all, we do at St Peter’s we currently need to raise £1000 each week. To ensure our mission, ministry and community outreach are funded; we are continually looking at how we can achieve the funding of our Parish Share.
We are now asking, through online giving, for your help in helping us to ensure that St Peter’s Church Thurston survives. We all need our church at some point in our lives, be it for Baptism, Marriage, Funeral or just somewhere to find solace during difficult periods of our life.
If you can help. Please scan the attached QR code or follow the link to our Online Giving page.