Holy Innocents’ A P C M Tuesday 16th April at 7 p.m.
Holy Innocents’ Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held on Tuesday 16th April in the Church Institute, preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7 p.m.. We will be presenting the Electoral Roll, Annual Report and Accounts, reports on various Church organisations, as well as electing PCC members and Deanery Synod Representatives, and electing Churchwardens and an Assistant Churchwarden at our Annual Parish Meeting. Do come – your presence at the meetings would be greatly valued. Nomination forms for these positions are available at the back of the church. If you want to explore the idea of one of these posts, please contact Fr. Ben at revdbenjaminedwards@gmail.com, tel. 07522 386387, or Jane Dalton, PCC Secretary at jane.dalton648@gmail.com, 01284 788613, or have a word when you see them. As regards Churchwardens, do contact Tim Frost on 01284 787442 or 07840 249448, or Angela Pearce on 01359 230395