Mothers Union December 2024
Tue, Dec. 10, 2024 11:00am
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Gt Barton and Thurston Mothers' Union
When we met on12th November Gill welcomed everyone and we began with a prayer followed by a short business meeting.
Then Linda gave a short talk based on the theme fcr the month from the Mothers' Union Prayer Diary.
After this Gill welcomed Kathy Drakes who led us in a Bible Study based on the story of Mary and Martha from St. Luke's
Gospel, chapter 10 verses 38--42. we shared in an interesting discussion and all agreed that it would be good to hold more
sessions like this in the future. Kathy agreed to lead us similarly as part of next year's programme.
After thanking Kathy, we ended the meeting by singing Tell Out My Soul and reading the Mothers' Union prayer together.
We meet again on December 10th at 11;00 a.m. in The Institute at Gt. Barton when we will be making decorations for our
Christmas trees to be displayed in both Holy Innocents and St.Peter's churches.
This will be followed by a Soup Lunch.
Come along and bring your partner or a friend.
Gill Flower and Linda Scoles.